What a day. Trudeau announced his upcoming resignation. Parliement is prorogued. The American election has been certified. Jagmeet Singh is acting like he’s been on our side this whole time. The internet is losing it’s fucking mind. I’m sure there are drones flying around somewhere, a fog making people choke, some CIA psyops, and maybe a nuke button or two threatening to be pushed somewhere as well. The devil be workin’ overtime, y’all. 💅 What. A. YEAR. And it’s only January 6th.
In the context of Canada today, listen…
I could talk about how selfish Trudeau is.
I could talk about how dissatisfied I feel that I am not going to witness his humiliation during the next election.
I could talk about my insatiable appetite for criminal and ethical accountability.
I could talk about how I have physically aged in the last 5 years, with more fine lines, grey hairs and a tiredness my eyes can’t seem to shake no matter my depth of self care and healing.
I could talk about how a force of energy came up from the depth of my being this morning while I laid in bed, waiting for the news to break, that gave me no choice but to let it out in a moan that could only be described as deep grief.
I could talk about how viscerally terrified I was when Trudeau was re-elected in 2021, after realizing the true depth of depravity of what he had been mandated to do in Canada, and what was about to go down.
But truthfully, I don’t want to talk about any of that. While I may feel it, which is mine to acknowledge, process and move through — giving it my public energy is only a continued form of poison. A poison that spreads through digital contagion, infecting the minds, souls and energy of our community with every swipe. When we take a step back, we can marvel in the genius form of manufactured destruction of our energy and spirit, and then consciously choose not to take part. While our rage is rightful, and our experiences are sacred, we always reserve the choice to remain focused on what is ours to control.
What I will channel my energy into instead is:
My sense of hope - Because our collective consciousness is rising by the day. People are awakening to deeper truths. People are becoming more active participants in their own lives, and how they show up in their homes and communities. People are recognizing how much power they have over their own lives, as we continue to awaken from a collective haze and into more personal lucidity. How fucking incredible is this to be a part of?
My depth of belief - I have belief that in some way, some day, we will see justice — because I believe in cause and effect. I believe in Karma. I believe in God. And my Faith is thick, y’all.
Personal leadership - Leading myself, leading in our home and in our marriage alongside my husband, and being a positive example for others. Leadership doesn’t make me a purist, nor does it make me a perfectionist. Leadership is how I choose to show up in all of my greatness and in all of my flaws. The depth to which I commit to myself and accept myself, is what I want to cast a ripple outward from.
My gifts - Continuing to focus on what excites me, pulls me forward and calls me into my zones of genius. I am of my highest level of service, joy & frequency, when I stay in my lane and have a zero tolerance approach for misalignment in my life, whether professionally, personally or leisurely.
And when the world gets heavy, and when things feel serious, I’ll keep breathing, I’ll keep laughing, and I’ll keep anchoring in to what’s within my control. You have the power to do the same.
And you’re damn right I’m going to have some bubbles tonight. 🥂 Cheers! I remember dreaming of this day in the fall of 2021, and feeling like it would never, ever arrive. While we may currently feel robbed of true justice and accountability, this is still a win I will whole-heartedly accept and choose to see as forward movement.
Chin up, we’ve got this.