Welcome to my Substack!
Writing has always been dreamlike for me. I remember typing out short stories on my mom’s typewriter when I was a kid and being completely fascinated that I could create anything I wanted with nothing more than an arrangement of words. Even a blank piece of paper feels exciting to me for this reason.
I dabbled in blogging as far back as 2005 when our ability to write took a digital turn. As a young adult, I would always find myself to busy to take the time and create something consistently. It feels like Substack came into my life at the exact right time. While I have been a little slow out of the gates, I’m excited to be back in the saddle, regularly creating longer form content. I have a lot to say, and while I have been told I’m a great speaker on stages in front of hundreds of people, I feel most in my zone when I’m alone with the time to untangle a bunch of words on paper, or on a screen so I can turn it into something magnificent.
I’m sure there will be a lot of twists and turns with what I create here, so I hope you stick around and enjoy the ride.
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